It’s RACE WEEK! Don’t freak out! #Triathlon

The triathlon season has kicked off in most parts, so it's time to get ready!I had my first triathlon of the season last Sunday, and after doing around 50+ triathlons, collecting my gear and getting ready has become routine and takes minimal time.  I was ready...

Off the beaten path with @Garmin and #CIQSummit17

It's not every day you get a chance to hang with the top gadget geeks and fitness app developers...But these past few days I have done just that.There's content way over my head since I'm more on the user end and in coaching endurance athletes, but Garmin has...

Don’t be a sponsor whore #Triathlon #sponsorship

I was sitting here trying to wrap up lose ends before the holidays while babysitting projects...And I happened on a few opportunities to apply for ambassador or sponsorship of various brands and companies.When I started really getting the bug for endurance sports,...

It’s RACE WEEK! Don’t freak out! #Triathlon

The triathlon season has kicked off in most parts, so it's time to get ready!I had my first triathlon of the season last Sunday, and after doing around 50+ triathlons, collecting my gear and getting ready has become routine and takes minimal time.  I was ready...

Off the beaten path with @Garmin and #CIQSummit17

It's not every day you get a chance to hang with the top gadget geeks and fitness app developers...But these past few days I have done just that.There's content way over my head since I'm more on the user end and in coaching endurance athletes, but Garmin has...

Don’t be a sponsor whore #Triathlon #sponsorship

I was sitting here trying to wrap up lose ends before the holidays while babysitting projects...And I happened on a few opportunities to apply for ambassador or sponsorship of various brands and companies.When I started really getting the bug for endurance sports,...


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