So, here comes another race!

This is the last scheduled event for 2015.  The KC Marathon was a sign-up for early bird price and if I made it to the race, great, if not, I wasn’t going to be too bumbed.

I didn’t want to burn out after Ironman Boulder – yes I still need to post a race report – and if I was still suffering plantars fasciitis (PF) I was going to pull the plug.

Good news is PF on the right has gone away.  Bad news is for some reason it moved to the left foot.  Not as bad and manageable, so I’m pushing through for the marathon and calling it good for long course racing for 2015.

My goal is to finish sub 4, but in no way am I expecting a PR.  Between family, work and injuries it is what it is as far as the results.  There’s the competitive side that wants to get a PR, but there’s the reality that I have had to adjust running away from the AM hours to allow the PF to ease up which results in less available training hours.

It’s a balancing act and I have to have a job to put food on the table, so being a competitive runner takes a back seat.

I also think it’s interesting to have the mindset that “it’s just a marathon”… you know you’re an Ironman when…  after 4 Ironman races, with all the logistics managing and training for 3 sports, training for a stand alone marathon is much less stressful.  Weather looks to be perfect for a marathon and I’m looking forward to a tradition that closes out my long course season since I skipped last year after Ironman Chattanooga.

I’m also pushing my ASICS Gel Quantum 360’s to the limit, currently at 417 miles and I try and limit my shoes to 300.  They will probably hit retirement after KC, but they have saved my bacon with PF and made it through the bulk of Ironman Boulder and Kansas City Marathon training.


They have been warriors!

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