by | Sep 28, 2016 | FAMILY, LIFE
Yes, it’s been a while since last post…Work has kept me busy and any free time away from the desk is either with family or getting a workout in. Thus, sadly writing race reports and blog posts take a back seat.But, I finally got a few minutes to...
So a while ago I applied to the Beat the Sun Challenge presented by ASICS.Beat the Sun Training Program is an exclusive, comprehensive plan designed to help you achieve your personal fitness goals, no matter what level athlete you are. Expertly developed by ASICS...
by | Apr 5, 2016 | LIFE, RACE PREVIEW
So, first race is coming up this weekend, so I thought better post my signed up schedule and dream schedule…This weekend kicks off the official endurance race season for me. First up is a half marathon run in Kansas City that I’ve been involved with...
by | Feb 4, 2016 | ASICS, LIFE, LIFETIME
So… I’m 1 year away from MIDDLE AGE!Yes, I have just turned 39. Eeeek. I’m not counting any more after this, excpet when I sign up for races and have to identify with my correct age group. At least BQ gets 5 minutes less for the...