Off the beaten path with @Garmin and #CIQSummit17

It’s not every day you get a chance to hang with the top gadget geeks and fitness app developers…But these past few days I have done just that.There’s content way over my head since I’m more on the user end and in coaching endurance athletes,...

Don’t be a sponsor whore #Triathlon #sponsorship

I was sitting here trying to wrap up lose ends before the holidays while babysitting projects…And I happened on a few opportunities to apply for ambassador or sponsorship of various brands and companies.When I started really getting the bug for endurance sports,...

It’s RACE DAY! What do I do!? #Triathlon #Coaching

So you signed up for a race, got your gear, got a coach or mentor and did everything you needed in order to be ready to swim, bike and run on race day… but what does race day logistics look like?First things firstPacket pickup is your first stop to all things race...

Signed up for a #Triathlon // Now what?

You’ve heard the hype, or your friend conned you into it, but in any event, you signed up for your first triathlon… now what!?Or, maybe you’re thinking “what did I just get myself in to?”Before you back out or don’t show up to the...